
sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Il Carpaccio - El Terreno - S'Aigo Dolça

Italiano para dos o cuatro personas con entrante, pizza y botella de vino desde 19,95 € junto al paseo marítimo.

Incluye surtido de entrantes italianos, pizzas de 30 cm, vino Valdepeñas o Verdejo, café y limoncello en local con amplia terraza

Il Carpaccio
Plaza Pintor Francisco Roselló, 3 Palma de Mallorca
Disfrútalo con Groupon en Degusta+ Exquisitos platos y tapas

viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

Liga con feromonas

Pheromones FAQs

What are pheromones?

Pheromones are chemical scent signals that all humans/mammals give off. Subconsciously detected, pheromones give information about your immune system, your fertility, your current state of sexual interest... and the list goes on. Some of these pheromones target the opposite sex, and naturally trigger attraction arousal and readiness for sex. With the right chemical-hormonal signals, she automatically, instinctively responds -- without even realizing what is drawing her to you!

How are pheromones detected?

Pheromone signals are detected through an organ 3 inches inside the nose called the Vomeronasal Organ (VNO). When the VNO detects the pheromone, it sends a response signal to the brain. So, while the sense of smell is usually discussed in studies of pheromone attraction, it is really a chemical response that occurs, rather than a specific identifiable smell. In other words, she responds to your chemistry on a subconscious level, with feelings of attraction, arousal, interest and excitement.

How come I haven't heard about this interesting new sense organ and human pheromones before?

Because it's a recent discovery! Although you may not have heard of pheromones and the sixth sense yet, you will: They're fast becoming household words.

Do we give off pheromones naturally?

Absolutely, we are chemically communicating with each other all the time. These pheromones that we give off are the base for most pheromone cologne style products.

If we have our own pheromones, why do we need a pheromone cologne?

Because of our cultural habits... What do we do first thing in the morning, every morning? Take a shower. Then we apply deodorants and maybe lotions or aftershaves that further mask our real body chemistry. Next, we tend to dress from head to toe, thereby covering 90% of the very skin that releases pheromones into the air. Some studies have also shown that through evolution, our natural pheromone production has gradually decreased, as civilizations have turned to social customs and norms when choosing a mate.
When you put on a pheromone cologne like Nexus Pheromones™, you're not only replacing pheromones you've washed off, covered up or lost, but adding a chemical miracle brew that will work on most women. By replenishing and even boosting your lost pheromones you can really "get back to nature," and re-establish chemical communication with people around you. People respond without even understanding why. They just know they like you.

How long do they last?

This varies a great deal depending on each person's individual chemistry and the particular scent they choose. One of the best products, Nexus Pheromones™, says its pheromone-based cologne lasts approximately 8 to 10 hours when applied on appropriate spots.

Why should I buy pheromone products?

This could be the thing that gives you the competitive edge and the confidence you need to achieve your social and sexual goals, whatever they may be. Pheromones are an easy way to boost your attraction, and then compound it with the confidence you'll have from all of the choices and attention.

Are all pheromone products about the same?

No, definitely not. They're all quite different, and the savvy consumer should always shop carefully. You should look for a product that contains pure androstenone pheromone concentrate preferably in "double strength" potency. If you are having trouble finding the right product, we recommend you consider Nexus Pheromones™.
Also, be careful of what you're paying for: be sure to compare package sizes when you buy. Some companies put as little as 10ml in a bottle while charging a hefty price.

What results should I expect with a pheromone cologne?

  • More eye contact, interest and smiles from the opposite sex
  • More sex appeal
  • More dates and sexual intercourse
  • A rejuvenation of your current relationship
  • More passionate lovemaking
  • A relaxing, easy effect on others around you
  • More instances of being approached by the opposite sex
  • Increased self confidence
  • Intuitive respect and focus on you by others

Can I order and still maintain my privacy?

A good company will ship discreetly with nothing on the package to identify the precise contents. If you aren't sure, ask before you order, though you won't need to if you are looking at a good product.

Are there other ways to increase my sexual libido?

Of course, the best way to improve any aspect of your health is to eliminate bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking, give yourself a better diet and exercise regularly. While you're working on healthier living overall, adding a male enhancement supplement can take you to an even better level of sexual performance and pleasure.
Some other products you may be interested in include: VigRX™, MaxiDerm™, Semenax™, VigRX Oil™, GenF20™.

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Comparte mesa y patrocina con C!ub A

Haz nuevas amistades y relaciones con personas interesadas en compartir, intercambiar y colaborar...y... al tiempo que te diviertes compartiendo Mesa Club A

 Acude cada semana a compartir mesa para comer o beber con lo que contribuyes a patrocinar los locales que te proponemos y así con la fuerza del grupo se podrá pedirles ofertas especiales o mejor un Menú Club A.

Jueves 21 horas

Pizzas y Kebab en

Hamburguesa de la casa en

Participa los jueves del Afterwork

miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Afterwork los jueves en Gomila

Participa todos los jueves a partir de las 19 horas
Afterwork El Terreno - Gomila

Empieza por Café MIME...avda Joan miro 38 -frente Hotel Victoria- junto a Gomila, donde podrás disfrutar desde la terraza en palco piso de arriba, cañitas con tapa desde 0'90€; Mojitos y Cubatas A 3'50€

Y continúa en 
Cafetería Filipina - justo al lado cañas a 1€
Aqui Sí Ke Sí - Planta abajo Kebak y Pizzas y cañas a 1€
New Taba - Enfrente C/ Joan Miró, 15 - Cañas 1€ 
Café Patagonia - C/ Joan Miró, 90 - Caña - Aperitivo 1€

Y después del Afterwork continúa la noche en
Divitt Bar en C/ Joan Miró, 50 -junto a Gomila-
Chupitos a 1€ - Cubalitros 5€

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

Eventos en El Terreno - Colabora organizándolos

Diviértete y gana dinero y/o consumiciones asesorando a locales a montar eventos.

Un evento no tiene por que ser una gran reunión, simplemente se puede tratar de promocionar un producto o plato de la casa haciendo de ello algo especial.

Un bar puede dedicar cada día de la semana a algo determinado y ofrecer así a la concurrencia un motivo para acudir.
En esta página damos una explicación más amplia e ideas para montar eventos en bares, cafeterías y restaurantes.
Tienda de comida America en linea - Entrega en Espana

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

Actívate y gana con Acción+

En el blog Degusta+ se van poniendo ideas de cocina de y marketing para bares y cafeterías.
Toma la iniciativa y házselas llegar a los locales de los que eres cliente. Conviértete en su asesor y estudia con ellos como pueden aplicarlas.
Puede ganar dinero convirtiéndote en socio de marketing de los negocios simplemente con pasarles las ideas que se van publicando.
Otra opción es crear un peña y conjuntamente trabajar con locales ofreciendo distintas actividades.
En esta página tiens las técnicas y diferentes ideas para formar una peña.

Puedes empezar con estas ideas:
Ensaladas de Arroz
Ensaladas de pasta
Tortilla con patatas chips

En Degusta`m se pueden se pueden comprar platos preparados de calidad que pueden servir de base a las ideas que damos sobre cocinar con latas. La cocina que no necesita cocinero.

Una Peña te permite divertirte, ganar y dar rienda suelta a tus habilidades. Si te interesa contactar con interesados en formar una peña...

Acude este jueves día 6 a las 20 horas a

Café Mime - Joan Miró, 36 - Primer Piso Galería
Gomila - El Terreno - Palma
y participa del Afterwork de Gomila los Jueves